Our Online Training Program is created to give you some flexibility in your training. The workout is broken down into three steps with choices within each step depending on what you want to focus on for the day. In Step 1 your will be able to choose from three D-Flex options, Step 2 is a warm-up and workout based on the muscle groups you're looking to train, and Step 3 is a Finisher of your choice.
Choose a D-Flex
All D-Flex options are full body
Split Stance Calf Stretch x 10e, Single Leg Bear Down Dogs x 8e, Standing Quad Stretch x 8x2sec(e), 1/2 Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch x 8e, Quadruped Straight Leg Rock Back x 8e, Supine Internal Hip Stretch x 8, Supine Figure 4 x 5x3sec(e), Open Books x 8e, Cat/Cow x 8e, Shoulder Circles x 20/20, Standing SIde Dips x 8e
High Prone Ankle Walks x 10yards, Heal Walks x 10yards, Inchworms x 10yards, Alternating Low Lateral Slides x 10yards, Quad Stretch + Over Head Reach x 10yards, Spiderman + 2 Way Reach x 10yards, Traveling Pigeon Tuck x 10yards, Supine Alternating Internal Hip Stretch x 8x2sec, Side Lying Windmills x 6x6ea, Reverse Lunge to Lateral Flexion x 10yards
1/2 Kneeling Calf Stretch Knee to Wall x 8x2sec ea, 1/2 Kneeling Quad/Hip Flexor Stretch x 8x2sec ea, Wall Hip Hinges x 12, Wall Bridge to Figure 4 x 5x3sec ea, Standing Straight Leg Internal Rotation Step x 10ea, 1/2 Kneeling T-Spine Rotation on Wall x 8e, Wall Sit Snow Angels x 12, Leg Swings (side to side & front to back) x 10e, Standing Back Against Wall Lateral Flexions x 8e